Rest In Peace Hitman
Gone But Not Forgotton
Artist: Hit Man Title: H2O
- Vol. 1 PRICE: CD $13.99
Artist: Hit Man Title: Solo
Creep PRICE: CD $13.99
Artist: R.B.L.Title: Hostile TakeoverPRICE: CD $11.99
Artist: Prime MinisterTitle:
No CompromisePRICE: CD $11.99
Artist: RBL POSSE Presents
Military Minded Title: Ghetto Vietnam PRICE:
CD $11.99
Artist: Taydatay & Black C Title: Prime FactorzPRICE: CD $10.99
Celebrating the Life of
Ranald "Cougnut" Fields, Jr. (01-11-1968 to 09-04-2001)
One cannot sincerely talk about the Northern California hip-hop music
scene without a discussion or mention of the name Cougnut, a.k.a. Nut, a.k.a. Cougerebel (pronounced Cougar-Rebel). If you're
not -from these parts, ask those indigenous to these parts about the rap artist who has a legion of admirers, "Cougnut connoisseurs,"
and you will hear things like, "he's a trailblazer, he's hard, he's original, his sound is so different from the other rappers,
and he has the best voice for gangsta rap." The ladies will tell you that he is sexy, alluring and quite pleasant to the eye.
Here are some CD,s & Tapes Cougnut is Featured on!
Artist: IMP Title: III
Mannered Playas PRICE: CD $15.99
Artist: IMP Title: Back
in The Days PRICE: CD $15.99
Artist: Isolated in The Game 2000Title: The
PRICE: CD $15.99